Glam New Year Feed

How To Set Goals & Reach Them

Paper & Glam - Goal Setting 2016
What's the difference between who we are and who we want to be?

It's a collection of choices and habits that make up our days, and ultimately, our lives.

How do we plan our days so that at the end of the week we can look back and see ourselves living as the people we want be, leading the lives we want to wake up to each day?

Resolutions are about creating habits that build the futures we want to live. 

How am I going to live in 2016, so that I walk into 2017 happier, healthier, and more attune to God's work in my life?

Paper & Glam - 2016 ResolutionsOver the years I've developed a goal-setting system that allows us to create holistic and synergistic goals that touch each area of our lives and the lives around us.

On the top half are personal resolutions aimed at improving our lives spiritually, creatively, physically, and mentally.

What habits can I develop to become spiritually stronger?
More creative?
Physically healthier?
Mentally sharper?

On the bottom half are interpersonal resolutions that impact our own lives as well as those around us in our relationships, careers, and communities.

What habits can I develop to connect deeply to those around me?
Grow professionally?
Become financially stable?
Live generously?

Not only does this format allow us to grow personally, it helps ensure we're stewarding our most valuable resources well: our time and our money.

What changes do we need to make so that our values align with our schedules and our bank accounts?

If you want to set goals that are attainable, ensure they are S.M.A.R.T goals:


Specific, Measurable, Assignable, Realistic, Time-bound

As an example, let's take the resolution to get in shape. "Get in shape" isn't specific, measurable, assignable, realistic, or time bound, but let's make it SMART!

Specific - What does getting in shape mean? Eating healthier? Working out? Losing weight? Feeling great?

Measurable - How will you know you're succeeding? By the number of times you got to the gym per week? By the number on the scale? How can you track your progress week over week?

Assignable - Can you reach this goal solo? Do you need buy-in from someone in your home? Do you need to delegate or assign associated tasks to a colleague or partner?

Realistic - Is this goal truly attainable? Is there a definitive finish-line?

Time Bound - When will this occur? When and with what frequency? Can you accomplish this goal in a year's time? If the answer is no, you may want to think about curating a Life List to hold your big dreams. 

If you find my format for resolutions helpful, I've created a free printable worksheet. Please print it and write on it with a pen or open it in a photo editing application and type over it. If this post finds it's way to you at the start of a new year or mid-way through, it's always a great time to redefine success synergistically, according to our values, and the unique purpose God created us to live out.

For more on goal setting, watch the full video walk-through!

The successful person has the habit of doing the things failures don’t like to do… They don’t like doing them either necessarily. But their disliking is subordinated to the strength of their purpose. - Albert E.N. Gray from The Common Denominator of Success

I'd love to know what goals and resolutions you set for 2016! Please share in the comments, it's inspiring to walk this out together!

Cheers to redefining success in 2016,

January Life List + Winners!

Paper & Glam - A Winter's Idyll

Happy, happy Friday! 

Every year there are so many beautiful reasons to celebrate. As a reminder, I started creating a monthly Life List.

Paper & Glam - January Life ListNot only do these lists give me little things to look forward to, they also serve as a reminder to celebrate everyday.

Since many of you posted that you want to start monthly life lists or bucket lists of your own, I thought I'd share mine for January.

One of my favorite January traditions is to host a Winter's Idyll. I stock the kitchen with hot chocolate & coffee, popcorn & cupcakes, stack up warm blankets & fresh DVDs, and we snuggle up for a warm night of pajamas and films.

I hope my list of little celebrations gives you some ideas for your own monthly Life Lists, and they remind us both to celebrate each day.

Maybe we can cross one of these off this weekend? I'm planning to light my winter candle and dive into #Girlboss.

Lastly, congrats to Lindsay Morris & Jose Ramirez from, and Savannah Smile from YouTube...your $100 gift cards are on the way! Thanks so much for hanging with me!

Happy weekend!

P.S. I made my Life List 4x6 to print and coil clip into my Life Planner and slip into my Project Life album!

2015 Resolutions + A Giveaway!

2015 Resolutions - Paper & Glam

Happy New Year!

Early January is one of my favorite times of the year because it gives us an opportunity to dream and plan for a new year of living. Last year, I accomplished all of my resolutions (except exercising every day, that wasn't a S.M.A.R.T goal) and I'm fired up to set new goals for 2015!

Resolutions are about creating habits that build the futures we want to live. 

How am I going to live in 2015, so that I walk into 2016 happier, healthier, and more attune to God's work in my life?

As you can see from the graphic, I create a resolution for each area of my life: spiritual, creative, physical, professional, mental, financial, giving. Why? Joyce Meyer put it so well in my devotional for 2015 Hearing from God Each Morning:

God designed us with bodies, souls (minds, wills, and emotions), and spirits, and He expects us to take care of all these areas. Exercising our bodies and caring for our souls takes time and effort. Our minds need to grow and be renewed daily. To stay balanced and healthy, we must take time to take care of our entire being. We say we don't have time to seek God, but the truth is that we make time for what's most important to us.

I love the reminder that we make time for what's most important to us. Growing up, when I complained about busyness my mom would say, "people make time for what's most important." I need this reminder now as much as I did twenty years ago.

As we look at how we spend our time, what does it say is most important? What changes to we need to make so that our values align with our schedules?

If you'd like to make resolutions that cover each area of your lives, here are some questions to consider:

What habits can I develop to become spiritually stronger?
Physically healthier?
Professionally advanced?
Mentally sharper?
Financially stable?
Live generously?

(If you're a wife and/or a mother, I'd add a line for those roles as well.)


As you're answering these questions, remember it's essential that the answers are S.M.A.R.T. goals: Specific, Measurable, Assignable, Realistic, and Time Bound. 

As an example, let's take the resolution to get in shape. "Get in shape" isn't specific, measurable, assignable, realistic, or time bound, but let's make it SMART!

Specific - What does getting in shape mean?
Eating healthier?
Working out?
Losing weight?
Feeling better?

Measurable - How will you know you're succeeding?
By the number of times you got to the gym per week?
How can you track your progress week over week?

Assignable - Can you reach this goal? 
Do you need buy-in from a partner?

Realistic - Is this goal attainable?

Time Bound - Can you accomplish this goal in a year's time?
If the answer is no, you may want to think about curating a Life List to hold your big dreams. As an example, I can't get my MBA next year, but I can take the GMAT and apply to grad school.

Paper & Glam - New Year, New Planner 2015

For more on resolutions and how I'm staying organized and accountable with my life planner, there's a video!

For a chance to win a $100 gift card to the Erin Condren shop, leave a comment below!
Giveaway will remain open through 1/09.

How we are going to live in 2015 to walk into 2016 transformed?

I’m not saying that I have this all together, that I have it made.
But I am well on my way, reaching out for Christ, who has so wondrously reached out for me.
Friends, don’t get me wrong: By no means do I count myself an expert in all of this, but I’ve got my eye on the goal, where God is beckoning us onward—to Jesus.
I’m off and running, and I’m not turning back.
So let’s keep focused on that goal, those of us who want everything God has for us.
If any of you have something else in mind, something less than total commitment, God will clear your blurred vision—you’ll see it yet!
Now that we’re on the right track, let’s stay on it. (Philipians 3: 12-16, MSG)

Cheers to 2015,