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God & Glam: The Bible Study

The Paper & Glam Bible Study 2018

Paper & Glam Sisters, 

At long last, after two years of prep the Paper & Glam Bible Study is here!

Today we kick off our first year of God & Glam together. But before we begin, let's talk through the foundation for the study and the heart behind it.

You may be thinking that the weekend after Thanksgiving is an odd time to start a year long study, so let's start there.

When does the new year begin?

Is it January 1st with new year resolutions and a fresh planner? Or does the time of our lives restart with the academic year, after the summer when it's time to leverage the energy of fall to cozy up and get down to business. 

Today, we're talking about a third way to mark the time of our lives: The Christian Year.

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Savor 2016

Paper & Glam - Savor Devotional 2016

It's the dawn of a new day, and a new year, my sweet Glam Fam,

Welcome to a new chapter in the greatest of stories. 

Today we take our place anew in the timeless tale of the one true God trading His place in the heavens for one of weakness and frailty exactly like our own, confined by the human experience in a world of pain and sin, to be the light in the darkness, the star in the sky, the hope for every generation.

In 2016, as a community, we're reading Shauna Niequist's devotional Savor together. If you're just joining us, please jump in and start where you are. Don't let the date on the calendar, or my less than timely post, stop you from jumping in and joining this community of women learning to love God and love the lives He gave us.

Here's the "house rules" we're brainstormed together for our year learning live and love well together.

1. A post (i.e. topic, thread) for each day day. (i.e. January 1st - Our Stories, January 2nd - Start Where You Are, and so on).
Paper & Glam - God & Glam Bible Study G.L.A.M
2. Everyone is welcome to start the daily reflection post. It's the first girlfriend to the forum inclined to share!

On the right is a format for Bible study the brilliant Susan Spritzer created for our study. Remember this is a tool, which means if it's helpful, use it, otherwise just share from your heart. I personally do my best with less structure.
3. While some of us like to read ahead, we'll keep the daily posts no more than a day ahead. 

4. On social media (twitter, facebook, instagram), the hashtag is #godandglam so we can easily find each other's posts.

5. For prayer requests and miscellaneous conversations on creating a God-centered life, join our God & Glam group on Facebook.  

6. Keep the ideas coming! This is a starting point, not the last word.

So here we go, together, hearts and Bibles laid open before our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ. Before we start, let's leave the weight of our lives and our expectations for them at the foot of the cross and allow the peace of God's presence to wash over us. 

This morning, candidly for the first time since moving in August, I sat still in the quiet of morning at a table bare with the exception of Bible, flowers, candle, coffee and pen. Today, I invite you to do the same. Sit with me, our community, and our Heavenly Father, with as little in front of you as practical. Make both physical and spiritual space for God to enter and sit with you. Mysteriously, I've found that creating space at my table also creates space in my heart.

Since my personal pursuit of our Lord began, I've found it challenging to sit and pray. My mind wanders and my focus drifts away to the day ahead so I began to write my prayers in letter form. As an aspiring writer, the sound of ink scratching rhythmically on paper or the simple sight of a blinking cursor frees me from the tyranny of trying and failing to quiet my mind. And, as "You Won't Relent" by Jesus Culture says, "I don't want to talk about You like You're not in the room. I want to look right at You and I want to (pray) right to You." 

Here is my first letter of 2016.

January 1st - Our Stories

Father God, 

This year, teach me to pay attention, to seek expectantly the thousands of glittering miracles you leave scattered for those with eyes to see. Help me stop striving to make the vision you've given me come alive today, or this week, or this year. Teach me to see this life as a grand adventure we're on together, hand in hand, lived out moment by moment and recorded day by day. We only have the present, but unless we take it wholly and savor it, we lose the only space in time we truly possess. 

As Shauna so eloquently said in her introduction to Savor, "What I want to do is savor this life...to be aware of holy fingerprints everywhere, to walk through the day expecting and noticing those glints and shimmers of the divine right in the daily," or as we say here the on Paper & Glam, the sacred in the ordinary. "Let's clear away space together, trusting that even small moments of prayer and silence will transform us."

This year, help me tell your story, right in the middle of my own messy one. Help me let go of all the things I hold on to, and trade my incessant striving for basking in your ocean of grace. 

Thank you for a love that is so big and vast and mighty, it covers every moment of weakness, every regret, every sore spot in the past and makes it new like this day, and this year. Thank you for your Word that says, "Behold, I am making all things new" (Revelation 21:5). Not some worthy things, but all things, that means you and me, and every page of our stories. Let's walk out tomorrow onto a fresh page of an old story, and watch God renew it and us along with it. 

There are some of you reading who haven't experienced the love of God, the inalienable gift of His presence, I pray you make this the day of the year you take your place in the greatest story of all. 

It's in the matchless name of Jesus Christ, I pray for you, for your year, for the future you are building today and everyday, for God's hand of protection that dwells over this community and the safe place we can all visit together to become new every day. If we're very lucky we get about 30,000 days to show by our life and love that Jesus is real, and there's not a moment to waste.

Thank you for your love and your grace, and the opportunity each new day brings to encounter You.


God & Glam

Paper & Glam Bible Study - God & Glam

Happy Weekend Paper & Glam Family!

This week we launched our brand new Bible Study: God & Glam. Thursday night I showed a preview on Instagram and overnight God & Glam grew to 160 members. It brought tears to my eyes to see how many of you believe in a vision of like-minded women putting a hot pink dent in this world for the kingdom of God. 

If you've been watching or reading Paper & Glam for awhile then you know that the most important thing in my life is my relationship with Jesus Christ. I measure my success by the impact my life is making for His kingdom. We're all here to seek God and find the real, abundant, heart-pounding, difference-making life that grows out of our walk with Him. 

For the remainder of 2015, we're reading Joyce Meyer's Hearing From God Each Morning at our own pace. This is a dated devotional with a reading for each day of the year, but don't feel obligated to catch-up or to read along, there's no "required reading" for God & Glam. 

My hope is that we share with the group however we're led. The Lord teaches each of us in a unique way, speaking so that each heart can hear. I hope to hear what the Lord is teaching you, the songs that are ministering to you, what you're learning at church, and how we can be praying for you as a community. 

I love how Karlie Cowie put it: 

God & Glam Screenshot
This week God spoke to me about waiting, reminding me once again that this season is about putting in the work and then sitting still before Him.

I want to be a woman of action and execution, taking the quickest route from point A to point B. I want the life God has for me so badly that at times I forget that I'm already living it. 

Paper & Glam x God & Glam - Hearing From God

Success in life depends so much on our ability to wait patiently before the Lord, continuing to execute faithfully without cutting corners. Sometimes life feels like a staring contest with no, trying not to blink while we pray that God turns that no into yes. 

This week Joyce Meyer reminded us that "sometimes you just stand" in life. Just stand, that's our part, so simple yet so hard. I want to run in life and God doesn't even want me to stroll, He wants me to learn to stand fully surrendered. Life isn't just about putting in the work. It's also about having fun while we're working, waiting, taking a stand, and holding our ground.

For those of you who are either ready to find the Lord or are already walking with Him, will you take a moment to pray for this group with me? 

Father God,
Thank you for this community of women with hearts after you.
Please let us be a place of refuge where women can come to hear your truth and feel your light shining into the dark places in our lives and in your world. 
Give us servant spirits and warrior hearts to pour your love into this group and make it a place where the light meets the dark. 
It's in your matchless name of Jesus Christ we pray.

Humbled by each of you,