Ash Wednesday
Wednesday, February 18, 2015
Today is Ash Wednesday, the start of the season of Lent. Lent means springtime, and during the next 40 days leading up to Easter, Christians mark and honor the life of Jesus.
If you're a regular around here, then you know living seasonally and celebrating special days is central to my life. These seasonal traditions add annual rhythm and festivity alongside life's routines, and create a shared experience with those we journey alongside.
During Lent, I give up a pattern of consumption and take up a practice of discipleship. This year, I'm giving up shopping, and taking up a daily Lenten devotional by N.T. Wright called Lent for Everyone.
What are your Lenten traditions?
Today, and for the next 40 days, we celebrate our trust in God's ability to bring restoration to the broken parts of our lives with His promise of victory over death and life everlasting.
May the Lord lead us to the cross this Lent,